| 01765 607347

Upcoming Speaking Dates

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

We're very proud and honoured to be asked to share our knowledge and experience with CAD/CAM and implant restorations for both the ADi and Atlantis Isus.

The upcoming dates are :-

Atlantis Isus


Location - Birmingham

Speakers - Dr Tim Doswell - Steve Campbell

Date - 19th September - Atlantis Isus - A guide to using the system for surgeons & technicians

Tim & Steve will demonstrate the unique clinical and cost effective advantages offered by using a premium CAD/CAM partner compared with the old, inconsistent and expensive cast methods used to fabricate multi unit screw retained implant restorations.


Hotel La Tour, Albert Street, Birmingham, B5 5JE

Registration, refreshments & buffet are available from 6.30pm ready to start at 7.00pm

ADi Study Club

Location - London Stansted Airport

Speaker -  Steve Campbell

Date - 24th October - ADi Essex/Herts Study Club - Restoring Dental Implants - What's New?

Steve will outline the latest developments in CAD/CAM technology for the fabrication of custom abutments and screw retained implant restorations, along with looking at some new materials and techniques that offer us advantages over the traditional porcelains and acrylics that we sometimes use to restore implant restorations.

We will also see how these new solutions are often vastly more cost effective than what we have on offer with traditional restorative materials we have had in the past


Radisson Blu Hotel London Stansted Airport, Waltham Close, London Stansted Airport,                Essex, CM24 1PP

Registration, refreshments & buffet are available from 7.00pm ready to start at 7.30pm

ADi Study Club

Location - Belfast

Speaker -  Steve Campbell

Date - 14th November - ADi Belfast Study Club - Restoring Dental Implants - What's New?

Steve will outline the latest developments in CAD/CAM technology for the fabrication of custom abutments and screw retained implant restorations, along with looking at some new materials and techniques that offer us advantages over the traditional porcelains and acrylics that we sometimes use to restore implant restorations.

We will also see how these new solutions are often vastly more cost effective than what we have on offer with traditional restorative materials we have had in the past


The Ramada Hotel, Shaws Bridge, Belfast, Ireland, BT8 7XP

Registration, refreshments & buffet are available from 7.00pm ready to start at 7.30pm

ADi Study Club

Location - Warwickshire

Speaker -  Steve Campbell

Date - 20th November - ADi Warwick Study Club - Restoring Dental Implants - What's New?

Steve will outline the latest developments in CAD/CAM technology for the fabrication of custom abutments and screw retained implant restorations, along with looking at some new materials and techniques that offer us advantages over the traditional porcelains and acrylics that we sometimes use to restore implant restorations.

We will also see how these new solutions are often vastly more cost effective than what we have on offer with traditional restorative materials we have had in the past


Hilton Warwick, Junction 15, M40, A429 Stratford Road, Warwickshire, CV34 6RE

Registration, refreshments & buffet are available from 7.00pm ready to start at 7.30pm

Atlantis Isus

Location - Edinburgh
Speakers - Dr Tim Doswell - Steve Campbell
Date - 28th November - Atlantis Isus - A guide to using the system for surgeons & technicians

Tim & Steve will demonstrate the unique clinical and cost effective advantages offered by using a premium CAD/CAM partner compared with the old, inconsistent and expensive cast methods used to fabricate multi unit screw retained implant restorations.

Edinburgh Dakota Hotel, 11 Ferrymuir Retail Park, South Queensferry, EH30 9QZ
Registration, refreshments & buffet are available from 6.30pm ready to start at 7.00pm


ADi Study Club

To book for any ADi Study Club you can either visit the website and book

or call the office, 020 8487 5555, or email

Atlantis Isus

To Book for any of the Atlantis Isus dates please contact Gill Hallet on 01453 793273

or email

Talking dates 2013.012

about ambridge ceramics

Ambridge Ceramics is well-known, multi-award winning and highly regarded leading cosmetic and implant dental laboratory based in the UK. Our dental team is carefully assembled from technicians who have the finest skills and experience from within the industry, providing the best quality for successful dentist and patient outcomes. Our dental technicians are renown for delivering restorations crafted with a combination of scientific expertise and artistic care.
Ambridge Ceramics Ltd
Premier House
Kiln Court
College Road
North Yorkshire

Tel: 01765 607347
Fax: 01765 609088