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The value of High quality CADCAM with Atlantis abutments

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

I know we bang on about CAD/CAM but this shows exactly why you need to work with premium partners like Atlantis.

Online editor to ensure we have complete control of our designs and as you can see, we've even made a few alterations to ensure it's perfectly within our prosthetic envelope.

Online viewer that we can use to communicate any potential issues to our surgical partners And a level of milling and finish that we still believe is the market leader.

Not only are CAD/CAM custom abutments more cost effective and clinically superior to any official stock components available, they also allow us to produce a completely unique, custom solution to be tailored the each cases specific requirements.

The icing on the cake fro peace of mind has to be the Warranty backed by the biggest dental company in the world which covers both the abutment and the fixture, regardless of which manufacturer the original implant is supplied by!

There is plenty of CAD/CAM available out there, but does yours offer all these benefits along with technicians that know how to get the very best from it? We only believe in providing the very best to our clients which is why we only partner with premium service and material providers like Atlantis.

We were fortunate enough to be in the Beta program at the very beginning of this system launch in the UK and have since gone on to teach how to get the best from this and other CAD/CAM systems across the UK and Europe and have seen many additions to the range that have improved the restorative options available to the surgeon and patient.

We'll be updating with more Atlantis, Atlantis Isus & ADi lecture dates in the near future.

Atlantis CADCAM custom abutment.010.010

about ambridge ceramics

Ambridge Ceramics is well-known, multi-award winning and highly regarded leading cosmetic and implant dental laboratory based in the UK. Our dental team is carefully assembled from technicians who have the finest skills and experience from within the industry, providing the best quality for successful dentist and patient outcomes. Our dental technicians are renown for delivering restorations crafted with a combination of scientific expertise and artistic care.
Ambridge Ceramics Ltd
Premier House
Kiln Court
College Road
North Yorkshire

Tel: 01765 607347
Fax: 01765 609088