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Saving implant surgeons money and delivering better results

Friday, 21 March 2014

Have you looked at the total cost of your implant restorations lately?

By that I mean the TRUE cost, both components and lab bills?

On our many Roadshow tours of the UK it was always surprising to see how many surgeons were wasting money and getting clinically inferior results.

So today I am going to share the slides form a short presentation we give that explains exactly how many surgeons are losing money without realising it.
How much does bad advice and support on restoring dental implants cost you?

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That's a lot of money, so how do we get to such a high figure? We start with showing the true cost of restoring your dental implants.

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We use a true average costs which includes the cost of the components from the implant supplier and an average lab cost.

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These component prices are including VAT and are correct as of 14/03/14

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So on a like for like comparison of a cement retained implant option the clinically superior Atlantis custom titanium abutment not only avoids an compromise as it is completely custom designed for each patient. It also saves you £42.21. A win/win.

But that doesn't get us to our £5995 over 50 implants does it?

To see where the real genius of using Atlantis titanium custom abutments comes in we need to look at the latest solution.

Ceramic bonded to titanium screw retained implant crowns from Ambridge Ceramics

Even with the cost saving of an Atlantis abutment over a stock we still have the cost of a crown on top to finish the restoration.

On average the cost of a bonded implant crown or all inclusive cost of a traditional cast screw retained crown including components and alloy is anywhere from £100 - £200

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So if we looked at an atlantis abutment at £279.99 plus the cost of a crown at £150 we get a total of £429.99
Our all inclusive titanium screw retained crown will save you £120 for every implant restored.
We have the biological benefit of these being titanium, a material we know is well accepted by the body.
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nd that is simply how we get to this fact. If you are being badly advised and supported then it is costing you enough over 50 implant restorations to add up to the cost of a brand new supermini car.
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We have taken great care to check all our figures and supply custom calculators and pdf breakdowns depending on the implant system you currently use.
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And our all inclusive price of £319.99 is regardless of the implant system you use. so there's no more need to have to constantly keep up to date with the changing prices of various implant companies components. We take care of everything for our surgeons.
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We were one of the first Beta labs for both Atlantis and ISUS in the UK. We really do know our stuff when it comes to these solutions and have the confidence of years of experience and thousands of abutments supplied to our clients.
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Which allows us to concentrate on what really matters to the patient. A beautiful and predictable final result from our highly skilled ceramic team.
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Clinically, biologically and financially superior restorations delivered to your patients using our knowledge of CAD/CAM. No compromises. A win/win situation for all involved.
Isn't that what technology, skill and experience combined should deliver?
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about ambridge ceramics

Ambridge Ceramics is well-known, multi-award winning and highly regarded leading cosmetic and implant dental laboratory based in the UK. Our dental team is carefully assembled from technicians who have the finest skills and experience from within the industry, providing the best quality for successful dentist and patient outcomes. Our dental technicians are renown for delivering restorations crafted with a combination of scientific expertise and artistic care.
Ambridge Ceramics Ltd
Premier House
Kiln Court
College Road
North Yorkshire

Tel: 01765 607347
Fax: 01765 609088