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Overcoming the aesthetic challenge of a resorbed bone ridge

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

This is is a 4 unit screw retained implant bridge where the patient did not want any block grafting or treatments to try and increase the volume of bone.

This left us with the situation where we wanted to ensure the very best aesthetic outcome for the patient by replacing the the space where the bone and tissue has resorbed with an artificial replacement.

The problem for laboratories is that most ceramic pinks are very difficult to make look natural and match the patients tissue tone.

The other issue is that some composites can discolour or dull after a couple of years after being fitted which tends to let the whole restoration down.

By using Crea.lign pinks from the Visio.lign range we are able to get a beautiful, natural soft tissue contour, especially if the surgeon chooses to use some of the Crea.lign range at the final fit (as practiced by Dr Christian Coachman which you can see by following this link) Crea.ligh also has excellent wear properties and similar discolouration tendencies as ceramic due to it's dense homogenous structure which ensure is will look good for a very long time indeed.

Another huge benefit of using Crea.lign is the future maintenance and ability to alter in future if needed as it can simply be polished, modified or added to in the mouth.

We are getting more cases like this coming through the laboratory as we hear that some patients simply do not want to have the bone grafts or other procedures required to increase the bone volume, so the ability to create natural, maintainable and alterable soft tissue tones is becoming more critical in meeting the patients high aesthetic expectations.

One more tip, please ensure the patient is told to brush their teeth AND the new false gum they now have as it's something many patients do not think to do.

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Ambridge Ceramics is well-known, multi-award winning and highly regarded leading cosmetic and implant dental laboratory based in the UK. Our dental team is carefully assembled from technicians who have the finest skills and experience from within the industry, providing the best quality for successful dentist and patient outcomes. Our dental technicians are renown for delivering restorations crafted with a combination of scientific expertise and artistic care.
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North Yorkshire

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