| 01765 607347

Our Latest Newsletter is out

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Thanks to CAD CAM we can now offer a fantastic full zirconia crown for posterior restorations.

No alloy to pay, aesthetic and chip proof!

Also, why not come say hi at The Dentistry Show 2012?

We've taken a stand and will be there for the whole event!

Read more here - Dentistry Show 2012 -

about ambridge ceramics

Ambridge Ceramics is well-known, multi-award winning and highly regarded leading cosmetic and implant dental laboratory based in the UK. Our dental team is carefully assembled from technicians who have the finest skills and experience from within the industry, providing the best quality for successful dentist and patient outcomes. Our dental technicians are renown for delivering restorations crafted with a combination of scientific expertise and artistic care.
Ambridge Ceramics Ltd
Premier House
Kiln Court
College Road
North Yorkshire

Tel: 01765 607347
Fax: 01765 609088