Full Zirconia Crown and Bridges

Strong, Beautiful & Cost effective



Full Zirconia Crowns and bridges

Want a beautiful aesthetic crown in the posterior region but the patient has a history of chipping existing porcelain crown or heavy occlusal wear?

Thanks to the latest developments with zirconia and the cutting edge digital dentistry offered by our Dental Wings system, we are proud to be able to offer the new Full Zirconia Crowns and bridges from Ambridge Ceramics.

And they'll save you at least £50 per unit compared to a gold crown!

For more information on these fantastic crowns see our Full Zirconia Crown section

How to answer your patients' Dental implant questions

Dental Implants In General Practice


Often, in conjunction with our Dentist clients, we hold complementary evenings on dental implants in General Practice.

Over the last decade the field of Dental Implantology has gradually become part of mainstream dentistry and new innovations continue to emerge for the benefit of patients.

Keeping up to date with advances in this area therefore remains a challenge for all Dental Professionals.

With Internet access now used by all patient demographics their awareness of Dental Implants as a means of replacing missing teeth is ever increasing. If you would like to engage in a session on any subject surrounding Dental Implants please contact us, our evening generally cover:

1. Patient suitability for implant treatment
2. How implant treatment compares to other treatment options
3. The implant treatment process, time-frames and fees
4. how you can get involved with dental implant treatment for your own patients

email: info@www.ambridgeceramics.co.uk or call 01765 607347

e.max course & lab photography

emax_course The team will be attending one of Ivoclars 6 UK update events on the fantastic e.max system.

We witnessed many of the new developments that Ivoclar have announced for the e.max range at this years IDS. To ensure we continue to get the very best results from the e.max system for our clients we have booked our entire ceramic team onto the Sunderland event on the 9th June.

A fantastic bonus to this event is that Richard Egan will be giving a demonstration on how to get the best results from work photographed in the lab or dental practice.


Richard Egan is a Fellow of the Royal photographic society, so getting access to his fantastic knowledge and skill will be a great opportunity.

Those of you who work with us will already may know Richard from Egan Dental Laboratory who we have worked with for years to ensure the beautiful results on all the CAD/CAM implant bars and beams we do together.

If you're interested in learning more about e.max or getting photography tips from Richard then the dates are HERE


Another chance to see our CAD/CAM presentation.


For anyone who missed the presentation on CAD/CAM implant dentistry at the The Brimingham NEC show, we have completely redone and posted it here.

Think of it like a whiteboard but with the ability to use the navigation buttons (left & right) to pickup from where you were last reading when you've finished zooming in or panning around the presentation in freestyle. It takes a couple of seconds to load but it should be well worth it.

The presentation highlights all the implant restorative solutions that are now available to us thanks to Astra Atlantis, Nobel Procera, Straumann CARES, Isus, Biomet 3i and many other companies.

Latest Article on Dentinal Tubules




In Mark's latest article he discusses ways in which surgeons can get the best from their laboratory.

To read the article in full click here http://www.dentinaltubules.com/node/983

Dentinal Tubules is a free online community for everyone involved in dentistry, if you haven't become a member already do it today and see why it's the fastest growing dental community in the UK

DAMAS and the CQC

During a recent discussion regarding all the latest requirements by the CQC for our surgery partners it became apparent that as a DAMAS laboratory we already had all the required information in place to provide our clients with complete peace of mind regarding compliance of the restorations we provide.

How so?
As a DAMAS laboratory our compliance with MDD & MDR is independently validated so our clients can rest assured that everything that needs to be done from the labs point of view is in place and being independently audited every year to ensure continued compliance.


What does this mean for you, the dentist?
  • The laboratory undergoes a yearly site audit.
  • The laboratory’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) registration is verified.
  • The laboratory’s dental technicians are checked and verified as registered with the General Dental Council.
  • Patient contact materials are verified as CE Marked and fit for their intended purpose.
  • The laboratory’s equipment maintenance processes are validated as appropriate.
  • The laboratory’s post market surveillance and vigilance procedures are inspected and verified as complying with the law.
  • Purchasing and verification of purchase products to enable traceability of materials is inspected and verified to ensure recalling of devices is possible – should this be necessary.
  • Contract review and final inspection of appliances is audited to ensure compliance with the dentist’s original prescription.
  • Statement and labelling of appliances including issuing the patient statement is verified as complying with the Medical Devices Directive.
  • Laboratory sub-contractors are verified as fit for the purpose they are intended for.
  • Staff training and competences are checked as verified as undertaken by the laboratory.

DAMAS laboratories undergo yearly audits to gain certification to DAMAS to prove compliance with the Medical Devices Directive (MDD) and the Medical Devices Regulations (MDR) which is a legal requirement within Europe for manufacturers of custom made medical devices.

DAMAS Certified laboratories offer reassurance where other can’t because their compliance with the MDD & MDR is independently validated.

For more information on DAMAS visit www.damas.co.uk

A downloadable pdf of the DAMAS benefits is also available here

Marc Tocher Celebrates 20 years with AC!

Today is a great day for us at Ambridge Ceramics.

Over the years we have grown from a one man laboratory into a busy laboratory employing 25 staff.
Along the way we have also gained recognition as one of the UK's finest dental laboratories and someone who has been here from those very early days is Marc Tocher.

Today Marc celebrates his 20th year with Ambridge ceramics! As one of our finest ceramists, his work has undoubtedly been vital in delivering the high quality and great aesthetics that have earnes us a great reputation in dentistry.

Besides being a highly skilled ceramist Marc's sense of humour and great attitude to work has always contributed to the brilliant atmosphere we enjoy in the lab.

To signify this Mark presented him with a gift to show how much we all appreciate having him as one of our senior technicians (let's just hope it survives the active nights out!)

We're all really pleased for Marc and look forward to celebrating his 20 years properly after work.


Straumann Platinum Approved


We're proud to announce that Chris Zdziech has achieved the much respected Platinum approved status.
"Platinum Approved Status" is Straumann's iltimate recognition of a technician with comprehensive knowledge regarding the technical aspects of the Straumann Dental Implant System and underpins the genuine working partnership between technician and practitioner striving to achieve the ultimate results in implantology.
Ambridge Ceramics has always been very active in pushing forward with the implant services we provide and a key element to this has, and will continue to be a big investment in technical training for all of our staff.
The addition of Chris' technical skills and his expert knowledge of the Straumann system will ensure that our team is comprehensively trained in the handling and technical details of all the main system available to the UK marketplace.
This along with our extensive range of CAD/CAM restorations for all platforms ensures that we are always in the best position to provide you and your patients with the very best, most cost effective solutions to your dental restoration needs.
If you have any questions regarding the restoration of ANY implant system then please give the team a call on the number at the top of the screen or contact us info@www.ambridgeceramics.co.uk and we'll be glad to assist you.
Ambridge Ceramics, the home of Implant Dentistry

We're also presenting at the ADI Yorkshire study club!


ADI Yorkshire study club

We're very proud to have been asked to present to the ADI Yorkshire study club on CAD/CAM implant restorative options.

We have been a member of the ADI for a long time and regularly attended these study clubs. The quality of the presentations is always very high and we have come away with some fantastic insights into implant dentistry. The other great thing about the ADI study clubs is that they always have a good mix of surgeons, nurses & technicians which makes it a great platform to share ideas across the whole dental team.
So naturally it's very important for us to keep these high standards and present on a topic that's worthy of attention.
We'll be covering the advances that CAD/CAM and digital dentistry, along with some of the system we use now which are delivering superior results to traditional laboratory methods. We'll cover some of the advances made by Atlantis , Biomet, SironaNobel Biocare among many others.
Come along and see us under great pressure then let us know what you think of our topic and content on the night!
We look forward to seeing you all there.

Yorkshire Study Club - 11 May 2011

Digital Dentistry - What are we missing?
Presented by: Mark Ambridge RDT & Steven Campbell RDT
Date: 11 May 2011
Time: 1900 Refreshments  1930 Lecture
Location: Cedar Court Hotel Wakefield, (J39 M1), Denby Dale Road, Calder Grove, Wakefield, Yorkshire, WF4 3QZ
Please book by: 03 May 2011

Synopsis: In dental technology we now have many more restorative options than have previously been available, but many surgeons and technicians are still not aware of how readily available or accessible this technology is. We will look at all of the clinical benefits of moving over to digital workflows and CAD/CAM restorations. We will also highlight the many systems and techniques, which can be adopted immediately without incurring any financial burden or disruption to your daily practice.

Educational Aims: To understand the benefits of using digital workflows and CAD/CAM systems in your surgery/laboratory to provide superior implant restorations for your patients.

Educational Objectives: To look at the digital solutions and CAD/CAM systems available in the marketplace today, along with many of the new developments which will be widely available in the near future.  To understand how we can use these systems today to improve the quality of the restorations we deliver to our patients.