A new chrome milling Service for Dental Wings!

Finally, we can talk about one of our latest projects!

After investing in the Dental Wings Scanning System we soon became very frustrated at the lack of a UK milling centre that could produce chrome copings for ceramic bonding. So, we decided to actively do something about it.

After much internet searching and attending many engineering trade shows we found what we hoped would be the perfect milling partner, a partner that could produce what a modern dental laboratory needed.
What we eventually found was an excellent team, who not only produced the best milled units of any company we had sent our test files to (Europe included) they also had the attitude we love.
Nothing is a problem for these guys, if there's an issue they rewrite their own software or even produce new a modified machine to give the results required.They build their own 6 axis milling capability machines, every single element, which allows complete control over the final outcome. If something doesn't work for the specific item it was designed to make they redesign and rebuild it, and these are not small machines!

To see them in action reminds me of so many of the best laboratories I have visited and the great technicians I've met, true problem solvers, capable of approaching those problems from new angles and having the ability to do whatever it takes to get the perfect result.

Keeping this a secret has been very difficult, especially as it has taken so much of our time and effort, plus the team have been really excited about sharing the results.

Here are some images taken yesterday while we were running last minute tests at their workshop.

The technical team at the milling company are a fantastic group of very sharp problem solvers, who after working out the potential issues are ready to commit to a completely new milling centre, dedicated solely to dental products right here in the UK.
Hopefully, in the near future they will be willing to introduce other products to meet the requests of their client laboratories.
This means that we can now produce CAD/CAM frameworks right here in the UK with the Dental Wings system.
How does all this help you ?Astra Atlantis:

As you will no doubt be aware, one of the major advantages of the Atlantis abutment and Dental Wings partnership is the ability to have an Atlantis Core file returned to us while the abutment is being milled.

This means that we can design the framework and have it in production before we have recieved the abutment from Atlantis!

Both abutment and coping or framework can the be received by the lab on the same day. No longer will there be any need to wait for the abutment to come back only to have to scan again and then design a framework, losing valuable time to work on the final case in the laboratory.

To begin with the service will be open to all users of the Dental Wings system who would like chrome cobalt PFM copings and frameworks.

Here are some examples of just how fantastic the milling quality is!


And, YES, these are straight off the machine!

If you would like more information on the service then please email:

info@www.ambridgeceramics.co.uk or call us on 01765 607347 and ask for Mark or Oliver

We believe that this is a very exciting time for CADCAM in the UK and we're delighted to have helped make this new service a reality for Dental Wings users.

Our Latest Newsletter is out

Thanks to CAD CAM we can now offer a fantastic full zirconia crown for posterior restorations.

No alloy to pay, aesthetic and chip proof!

Also, why not come say hi at The Dentistry Show 2012?

We've taken a stand and will be there for the whole event!

Read more here - Dentistry Show 2012 - http://eepurl.com/iu5sE

Christmas Lab Closing Dates 2011

Laboratory Closure during Christmas  Period 2011

The lab will be closed from Monday 26th December 2011
and will re-opened on Tuesday 3rd January 2012

Collection & delivery

The last collection will be Thursday 22nd December 2011
The first delivery after will be Tuesday 3rd January 2012
Please arrange work around these dates allowing for the usual 10 days in the lab

(by adding 6 working days to the return date of any work sent after the 8th December)

Have a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year
All the team at Ambridge Ceramics


We're sponsoring the bonfire night

We're proud to be supporting the Rotary Club or Ripon Rowels by sponsoring the Ripon Community Gunpowder Plot!

The event will be held at the Ripon Racecourse

Gates open at 6pm
Entertainment includes:-
Ripon Grammar School Big Band Sound Children's entertainment
Bonfire at 7pm
Fireworks at 7.30pm
We look forward to seeing friends and colleagues on the night.
See you there!

Atlantis can't do 'fluted' emergence profile? Yes it can!

Something we are hearing from people is that Atlantis can't do 'fluted' emergence profiles?
But it can!
I think that where most of the problems come in is that the Atlantis system is treated as a hands off system by many new users, this is not the way to get the very best from the Atlantis system.
By Hands off I mean that many technicians are not checking the 2D design email, let alone opening the 3D viewer or Editor interface, and are instead completely trusting the whole design to a technician in the Atlantis production centre.
By doing so the technician misses the opportunity to have the kind of input that tailors the abutment designs to match their surgeons specific preferences, the very service that makes the relationship between surgeons and their technicians so important.
Astra Tech have provided a fantastic suite of viewer and editor tools to allow the technician to completely customise their abutment design.
We have complete control of exactly how the final Atlantis abutment will look, which is exactly the same as any other custom abutment we would make in the laboratory.
The trick is simply knowing how to use the tools properly.
If you look at the images below you will see how we have completely dictated the profile of the abutments emergence and just how much compensation we have made to the position of the abutment itself.
Atlantis emergence profile
Astra Atlantis provide the very best CAD/CAM custom abutment solutions for multiple implant platforms that we have ever used!
To pick up the tips and tricks for getting the best out of Astra Atlantis, come and see us on the roadshow
Click here for dates and booking

At last a database of quality labs for the UK!

When Dentistry.co.uk published an article regarding the new DAMAS club, it was helpful to dentists to find high quality labs in the UK who were committed to quality and trace-ability of products.

If you are reading this then you've already found one of the labs! We were one of the early members of the DAMAS scheme and continue to implement it to this day.

We are very excited that the extra commitment to quality and service that laboratories have to undertake as part of the DAMAS system is now being highlighted to dentists.

For more information and the full story, please email info@www.ambridgeceramics.co.uk


EU Finally sees the light on tooth whitening

The BACD welcomes the adoption by the Council of the European Union of the Council Directive amending Directive 76/768/EEC, concerning cosmetic products, for the purpose of adapting Annex III thereto to technical progress. The BACD together with other organizations and leaders in the profession has called repeatedly for appropriate legislation regarding tooth-whitening products in line with the advice from the European Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety. This is how the law now stands – or will do once ratified by individual states, who have 12 months in which to do so:
• Tooth whitening products containing up to 0.1% of hydrogen peroxide will continue to be freely available to the consumer market, i.e. over the counter.
• Products containing between 0.1% and 6% of hydrogen peroxide, can only be supplied by dentists following clinical examination to ensure suitability of the procedure and the absence of risk factors or oral pathologies, after which the patient will be able to continue the treatment by him or herself. The use of these products by persons younger than 18 years will not be allowed.
• Tooth whitening products containing more than 6% of hydrogen peroxide will continue to be prohibited.

The Council of European Dentists (CED) believes these changes will enhance patient safety by ensuring that they can only access appropriate products via a trained and qualified dental professional. Member States will have 12 months to transpose the Directive into national legislation after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. The CED considers the Council decision to be a very important step towards ensuring patient safety and removing any uncertainty as to how and who should perform tooth whitening in the EU.

Astra Atlantis events

Astra Atlantis Live! UK 

We were proud to support Astra Tech on their Atlantis Live! evening events. We presented on the Astra Atlantis roadshow alongside with Dr Tim Doswell, one of the UK's most experienced users of the Atlantis abutments system.

 Together we explained the clinical and laboratory benefits of these fantastic abutments.
 As well as covering the already established benefits of the Atlantis abutment system, they presented new ways to use the options that Atlantis provides and also highlighted some of the new products and services that Atlantis rolled out throughout the following year
For more up to date Venues and Dates for similar events please contact us
These evenings are complimentary, always have good food and will also provide 1.5 hours CPD!

For more details on the current benefits of the Astra Atlantis system see our products pages or call 01765 607347

An Inroduction to cosmetic dentistry


Clock Tower Dental Care, Ripon Would like to invite you to a complimentary evening talk:-

An Introduction to Cosmetic Dentistry.

Tuesday 19th July 2011 Ripon Spa Hotel 18.30 for 19.00 with light refreshments

Cosmetic dentistry is a wonderful field of dentistry that lets us make a real difference to the quality of patient’s lives. Seeing patients regularly in tears of joy at the end of treatment gives tremendous satisfaction.

I have found that patients’ only regrets are that they have spent so long unhappy with their smile and lacking the confidence that a relaxed beautiful smile gives them. I want to show patients and dentists what can be achieved with modern adhesive dentistry so that patients can then make informed decisions about whether to have treatment or not.

Modern adhesive dentistry allows beauty to be created while maintaining and sometimes improving the health of teeth. No longer should we be sacrificing enamel in the name of beauty.

This evening talk will look at the kinds of transformations that can be achieved, the ethics of cosmetic dentistry and the principles of smile design. Simple but very effective techniques will be explained including how to make beautiful provisional restorations in minutes.

Presented by Dr. Donald Sloss BDS MFGDP(UK MGDS RCSEd Dip Con Sed FFGDP(UK)




Scientific Director of BACD - British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Accredited member of BACD

Full member of BAAD -British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry

Dentist of the Year 2011


The evening has been kindly sponsored by Optident and Ambridge Ceramics.

Register by email to smile@clocktowerdentalcare.co.uk or

phone on 01765 602161
