Investing in our future

We have always believed that the only way to offer our surgeons the very best in quality and value is to stay at the leading edge or technology.

As we have continued to invest in new equipment, technology and training we have hit a bit of a problem. We needed more room to house it all!
Mark has recently had a re design that allows us more room to accommodate our 2 newest team members (Andrius and Lauren) so that we can drive our standards and service levels even higher.
We now have 2 dedicated CAD/CAM stations (with room for the latest scanner that is still to come)
Add along with the scanners we see here there's also the Procera scanner along with a backup storage unit and central CAD file storage drive, and one of our hubs that brings this section of the network together with our other systems in the porcelain department. There's also a wireless storage unit here for connection to the iPad's, but I'll cover them in a bit....
And all of this is at the far end of the new behemoth of a bench that we've affectionately named the Battleship, and here she was on Sunday when just finished.
And here it is in all it's working glory!
But this is only one side of the story. Our ceramists have also been enjoying the fruits of a huge investment too.
All our ceramists now have their own ipad on which the can view all the patient images that as sent in to us. When we are asking for digital photographs of the patient, this is the reason.
Using the crisp, clear and vibrant screens of their ipads the ceramists can really see the detail in your photography, and transfer that into their restorations for you. Up until now we had to share a couple of monitors that were of a good enough quality to display the detail in these images but now it's always there as they work.
On top of this we have also purchase the very best ceramic furnaces available to ensure the cramics do not lose any vitality and clarity when they are fired.
The black furnace on the right is a Dekema Oral Design Furnace, they simply don't get any better.
And of course all this technology and equipment is reliant upon the very best asset we have, some of the most talented and dedicated technicians in the UK.
Of course all this technology and equipment has a very clear purpose, we don't just have it because it's cool (although it definitely is)
The Wireless server that was next door in the CAD department stores images and files that any of the ceramists can access at any time, along with a private network that allows us to share information amongst the group instantly, ensuring we have as close to perfect communication on all our cases as possible,
This is certainly a laboratory you would be happy to send your patients to, we get great feedback from patients that have seen just what we do in the lab and the level of technology involved.
We have even more exciting developments in the pipeline and will update over the coming weeks.

Article on Visio.lign now published worldwide

Due to our long experience with a new ceramic alternative material for implant restorations we were fortunate to be requested to write an article on it, which has now gone on to be published around the world.

Here's a video of a demonstration case we restored for that magazine article (In Private Laboratory magazine) using the new material visio.lign from Bredent.

Visio.lign case video
This new system is ideal for implant bar restorations due to it's stain resistance, ability to add/adjust in situ, cost efficiency and shock absorbing properties. This combined with the high aesthetics achieved makes Visio.lign a fantastic alternative to ceramic bonded full arch restorations.
This has become the full arch implant restoration of choice with our clients due to it's ideal properties.
You can also get much more info on this system on our dedicated Visio.lign page.

A great prop made by Lee

A few years ago we were asked by Dr Tim Doswell to come up with a design for something that an actor wanted to wear in order to make his character look a bit menacing.

After some consideration and inspection of the models, Lee came up with the design below.

He then waxed, cast and polished it ready for fitting.

We think the end result is brilliant, especially in the pictures taken from the movie.

It's taken a few years to see it up on the big screen but we're very proud to have made something that's being used in the movies!

It's now available for release on DVD so it's something we're definitely going to watch.

It's been called Die Hard in space and had some great reviews if you're an action movie fan, what's not to love about that!?


Joeseph Gilgun teeth

photo 1

photo 2


Talented Ceramist Required

We have the opportunity for a skilled ceramist to join our expanding team.
Our advert is going out in National journals and online dental sites.
If you think you have what it takes to be a member of our team, why not email us?
or post your application to
Ambridge Ceramics
The Coach House
Phoenix Business Centre
North Yorkshire

Ambridge Ceramis talking at ADi Scotland

Steve will be talking at one of the Scottish ADi Study clubs in November

He'll be sharing some of the latest CAD/CAM systems and techniques used in the lab to produce superior restorations that are also very cost effective.

The date is:-

Thursday 1st November

The venue is:-

Macdonald Inchyra Grange Hotel
Grange Road

To Book call ADi office on 020 8487 5555 or email

British Bite Mark campaign continues



The British Bite Mark Dental Laboratories Helping over 29000 People Smile for British Summer this June!

It seems like the whole country have been gripped with national pride as we reminisce on the glorious pageantry of the Golden Jubilee celebrations and look forward to the spectacle that will be the London 2012 Olympics.

Naturally when people are enjoying themselves or taking pride in something, there is an automatic urge to smile, this must go some way to explaining why dental laboratories up and down the country have been busy manufacturing custom made dental appliances in May and June.

According to the British Bite Mark team, research has suggested that in June 2012, British Bite Mark registered dental laboratories have contributed or created over 29,000 new smiles!  Richard Daniels Chief Executive of the Dental Laboratories Association said ‘dental technology is a hidden gem of British manufacturing with thousands of dental technicians across the country changing people's lives on a daily basis either by creating a beautifully hand crafted dental crown or an equally beautiful denture.  Many people who visit the dentist, simply do not realise that their dental appliance is designed and custom made just for them and that it if it has been made in Britain, it has been manufactured under a strict regulatory framework which includes professional registration for the dental laboratory and the dental technician; unlike dental appliances that are shipped in from overseas from places such as China or India.'

The British Bite Mark is now becoming widely recognised as the logo for patients to look out for when agreeing with their dentist to a prescription that requires a crown, bridge or denture.

British Bite Mark labs are not only in the business of manufacturing natural looking smiles, they also help many married couples smile again with their custom made ant-snoring devices, in June 2012 they manufactured over 1900 anti-snoring devices for patients across the UK.

British Dental Technology is under commercial threat from unregulated cheap importers from China, India and other developing nations.  It is impossible to know what materials are included in crowns, bridges and dentures that are made in an unregulated environment yet thousands of dentists use imported appliances rather than appliances made under the British Bite Mark label, when you next  need a crown or a denture why not ask your dentist where his dental lab is based!

Our latest article has been published on Dentinal Tubules

This month we take a look at the benefits of the Visio.lign system from Bredent.

We discuss the merits of this type of restoration over the traditional methods used and also present a case from beginning to end

You can view the full article here

Dentinal Tubules is free to become a member and is full of fantastic articles from some of dentistry's most respected professionals.

Latest Article available on Dentinal Tubules

Our latest article is out on Dentinal Tubules.

This month we look at why some systems may in fact block you off from utilizing cost effective and clinically superior CAD/CAM restorations

Some qustions to consider when looking at an implant system?

Astra Atlantis events in Belfast

We were proud to again be supporting Astra Tech on their Atlantis Live! evening events.

AC presented the new developments using the Astra Atlantis system alongside Dr Tim Doswell, who demonstrated the use of Atlantis in some challenging cases.


For more details on the benefits of the Astra Atlantis system you can visit our dedicated Atlantis page or call 01765 607347 or email