Dentist completes Iron Man Wales challenge

Ironman Logo

Dr Tim "Iron Man" Doswell has done it!

We're all so happy for Tim who is not only one of the skilled surgeons that we work with but also a good friend of the team.

Not only did he complete the challenge in a very respectable 15hrs 32 mins but the one in Wales is commonly acknowledged as the hardest Iron man to do.

If you've never heard of an Iron Man, it's a 2.4 mile open water swim, followed by a 112 mile bike ride & finally a Marathon, yes the full 26.2 miles!

Any of these alone is quite a challenge, but to do them all in succession on the same day Is a superhuman effort and the money he raised for Alder Hey children's hospital was certainly hard earned.

The full timing of Tims effort is on the attached picture and there's still time to make a donation to his chosen charity if you missed the chance beforehand.

But finally from all the team at AC, well done Tim!

Skilled ceramist joins our talented team

We would like to introduce you to our latest member of the ceramic team.

Jack Gleave is an incredibly talented and passionate technician and we are very proud to have have him joining our talented team of ceramists.

Jack is very experienced with many different ceramic systems and particularly Creation ceramic, in which he trained with the creator of the system Willi Geller and world respected ceramist Sascha Hein. Jack also demonstrated the Creation ceramic system to other technicians at The Dentistry Show this year on behalf of Cendres+Metaux.

Thanks to our growing success we are constantly looking to attract the most talented technicians to to join our team and ensure our surgeons continue to get the very best aesthetic results along with the best technical support and advice from the rest of the team.

This latest addition to our team adds to the wealth of creative talent that we are proud to have supporting our surgeons.

We will post up some of the beautiful work from all our ceramists over the coming months.

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Using new materials to provide our patients with better dental implant restorations

We're very proud of the fact that we have become known as a cutting edge dental laboratory and all the benefits this brings to our surgeons and their patients.

Over the years we have been involved in many Beta trials with some of the worlds biggest dental companies, which has given us a great insight into some of the weaknesses in current materials and systems which they are looking to overcome by heavily investing in alternative solutions.

One of the biggest leaps forward was definitely the use of CAD/CAM systems such as Atlantis to produce out titanium, chrome and zirconia sub structures (and even whole crowns in some case) as this allowed us to move away from some of the inconsistency, inaccuracy and wasted expense that these old methods had.

But recently we have seen a very exciting shift away from focussing on the machining of the custom component parts and a focus on the very materials we use to deliver the final prosthesis to our patients.

What's wrong with what we have?

Realistically with many cases there's absolutely nothing wrong with the Porcelain, composite or acrylic we have successfully used for many years to restore our implant cases, but if we have an implant restoration on a posterior tooth where the patient has shown a history of destroying restorations then maybe we can look to the new hybrid materials that are now available? These mix the higher aesthetics we will want from ceramics with the qualities that we would ideally want on an implant restoration.

Shock absorbency

One of the main characteristics of new Hybrid ceramics like Vita Enamic or 3M ultimate is the fact that they actually absorb shock from the opposing dentition.

Chip resistance

Due to the fact that these materials are produced using CAD/CAM technology, they are a monolithic structure which greatly reduces the risk of decontamination, further more these new engineered materials have been specifically designed to prevent crack propagation.

What does this mean for us?

Thanks to our knowledge of CAD/CAM and depth of experience in using this with the new materials such as Visio.lign (which we use on full arch cases) and Vita Enamic we have been able to produce a screw retained CAD/CAM Hybrid Ceramic crown that offers the benefits mentioned above.


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Further to being an ideal posterior restoration, this crown is also vastly more cost effective than a traditional screw retained ceramic layered implant crown.

Thanks to our partnership with Atlantis we are also able to offer a restoration that has a custom titanium contour against the tissue and then transitions to these new Hybrid Ceramics in the rest of the screw retained crown restoration, think of it as a custom link abutment +

This is not a one size fits all solution, in fact we still produce many porcelain bonded screw retained units where aesthetics are absolutely critical, but it's always great to have another solution that we can mix and match into our restorative toolkit when we are looking at the needs of our patients.

We have used monolithic crowns on cement retained restorations for many years, starting initially with full zirconia and then moving on to the new Hybrid Ceramics such as Vita Enamic purely because of the improvements in aesthetics and functionality they offer.

We have more information on both of these over on our website or please free to call us on 01765 607347

Upcoming Speaking Dates

We're very proud and honoured to be asked to share our knowledge and experience with CAD/CAM and implant restorations for both the ADi and Atlantis Isus.

The upcoming dates are :-

Atlantis Isus


Location - Birmingham

Speakers - Dr Tim Doswell - Steve Campbell

Date - 19th September - Atlantis Isus - A guide to using the system for surgeons & technicians

Tim & Steve will demonstrate the unique clinical and cost effective advantages offered by using a premium CAD/CAM partner compared with the old, inconsistent and expensive cast methods used to fabricate multi unit screw retained implant restorations.


Hotel La Tour, Albert Street, Birmingham, B5 5JE

Registration, refreshments & buffet are available from 6.30pm ready to start at 7.00pm

ADi Study Club

Location - London Stansted Airport

Speaker -  Steve Campbell

Date - 24th October - ADi Essex/Herts Study Club - Restoring Dental Implants - What's New?

Steve will outline the latest developments in CAD/CAM technology for the fabrication of custom abutments and screw retained implant restorations, along with looking at some new materials and techniques that offer us advantages over the traditional porcelains and acrylics that we sometimes use to restore implant restorations.

We will also see how these new solutions are often vastly more cost effective than what we have on offer with traditional restorative materials we have had in the past


Radisson Blu Hotel London Stansted Airport, Waltham Close, London Stansted Airport,                Essex, CM24 1PP

Registration, refreshments & buffet are available from 7.00pm ready to start at 7.30pm

ADi Study Club

Location - Belfast

Speaker -  Steve Campbell

Date - 14th November - ADi Belfast Study Club - Restoring Dental Implants - What's New?

Steve will outline the latest developments in CAD/CAM technology for the fabrication of custom abutments and screw retained implant restorations, along with looking at some new materials and techniques that offer us advantages over the traditional porcelains and acrylics that we sometimes use to restore implant restorations.

We will also see how these new solutions are often vastly more cost effective than what we have on offer with traditional restorative materials we have had in the past


The Ramada Hotel, Shaws Bridge, Belfast, Ireland, BT8 7XP

Registration, refreshments & buffet are available from 7.00pm ready to start at 7.30pm

ADi Study Club

Location - Warwickshire

Speaker -  Steve Campbell

Date - 20th November - ADi Warwick Study Club - Restoring Dental Implants - What's New?

Steve will outline the latest developments in CAD/CAM technology for the fabrication of custom abutments and screw retained implant restorations, along with looking at some new materials and techniques that offer us advantages over the traditional porcelains and acrylics that we sometimes use to restore implant restorations.

We will also see how these new solutions are often vastly more cost effective than what we have on offer with traditional restorative materials we have had in the past


Hilton Warwick, Junction 15, M40, A429 Stratford Road, Warwickshire, CV34 6RE

Registration, refreshments & buffet are available from 7.00pm ready to start at 7.30pm

Atlantis Isus

Location - Edinburgh
Speakers - Dr Tim Doswell - Steve Campbell
Date - 28th November - Atlantis Isus - A guide to using the system for surgeons & technicians

Tim & Steve will demonstrate the unique clinical and cost effective advantages offered by using a premium CAD/CAM partner compared with the old, inconsistent and expensive cast methods used to fabricate multi unit screw retained implant restorations.

Edinburgh Dakota Hotel, 11 Ferrymuir Retail Park, South Queensferry, EH30 9QZ
Registration, refreshments & buffet are available from 6.30pm ready to start at 7.00pm


ADi Study Club

To book for any ADi Study Club you can either visit the website and book

or call the office, 020 8487 5555, or email

Atlantis Isus

To Book for any of the Atlantis Isus dates please contact Gill Hallet on 01453 793273

or email

Talking dates 2013.012

Overcoming the aesthetic challenge of a resorbed bone ridge

This is is a 4 unit screw retained implant bridge where the patient did not want any block grafting or treatments to try and increase the volume of bone.

This left us with the situation where we wanted to ensure the very best aesthetic outcome for the patient by replacing the the space where the bone and tissue has resorbed with an artificial replacement.

The problem for laboratories is that most ceramic pinks are very difficult to make look natural and match the patients tissue tone.

The other issue is that some composites can discolour or dull after a couple of years after being fitted which tends to let the whole restoration down.

By using Crea.lign pinks from the Visio.lign range we are able to get a beautiful, natural soft tissue contour, especially if the surgeon chooses to use some of the Crea.lign range at the final fit (as practiced by Dr Christian Coachman which you can see by following this link) Crea.ligh also has excellent wear properties and similar discolouration tendencies as ceramic due to it's dense homogenous structure which ensure is will look good for a very long time indeed.

Another huge benefit of using Crea.lign is the future maintenance and ability to alter in future if needed as it can simply be polished, modified or added to in the mouth.

We are getting more cases like this coming through the laboratory as we hear that some patients simply do not want to have the bone grafts or other procedures required to increase the bone volume, so the ability to create natural, maintainable and alterable soft tissue tones is becoming more critical in meeting the patients high aesthetic expectations.

One more tip, please ensure the patient is told to brush their teeth AND the new false gum they now have as it's something many patients do not think to do.

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The value of High quality CADCAM with Atlantis abutments

I know we bang on about CAD/CAM but this shows exactly why you need to work with premium partners like Atlantis.

Online editor to ensure we have complete control of our designs and as you can see, we've even made a few alterations to ensure it's perfectly within our prosthetic envelope.

Online viewer that we can use to communicate any potential issues to our surgical partners And a level of milling and finish that we still believe is the market leader.

Not only are CAD/CAM custom abutments more cost effective and clinically superior to any official stock components available, they also allow us to produce a completely unique, custom solution to be tailored the each cases specific requirements.

The icing on the cake fro peace of mind has to be the Warranty backed by the biggest dental company in the world which covers both the abutment and the fixture, regardless of which manufacturer the original implant is supplied by!

There is plenty of CAD/CAM available out there, but does yours offer all these benefits along with technicians that know how to get the very best from it? We only believe in providing the very best to our clients which is why we only partner with premium service and material providers like Atlantis.

We were fortunate enough to be in the Beta program at the very beginning of this system launch in the UK and have since gone on to teach how to get the best from this and other CAD/CAM systems across the UK and Europe and have seen many additions to the range that have improved the restorative options available to the surgeon and patient.

We'll be updating with more Atlantis, Atlantis Isus & ADi lecture dates in the near future.

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A unique implant solution using Visiolign

As the Visio.lign system is designed to have veneers bonded to the Crea.lign material, it allows us to use it in some interesting ways.

This is proving to be a very popular implant solution for the problem of access holes that would normally emerge in the aesthetic zone.

A full arch case which can be fitted so that the occlusion and function can be checked with the patient and then the veneers bonded afterwards.

Working with the Visio.lign system allows Iain to make a really natural restoration which is also shock absorbing and allows the restoration to be repaired and maintained without removing from the patients mouth

Beautiful work as always by Iain.

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Article Published in the European Journal of Dental Implantologists

Congratulations to Dr Tim Doswell & Steve Campbell from the lab on having their
article published in The EDI (Issue 2/2013 Vol.9).

T Doswell EDI article

We think it's fair to say that The European Journal for Dental Implantologists is among the most well respected journals to have your work published in? It's certainly one that we've always looked forward to reading in the lab.

This is a technique that we started to develop together whilst out doing the Atlantis Roadshows in 2011/2012.

The whole team are very proud to have been able to support Tim in both the technique and the final crown that was finished by Mark Ambridge.

Angle corrected CAD/CAM screw retained implants are now available

Thanks to our developing partnerships with many worldwide milling partners we are now able to offer angle corrected implant crowns.


Full details are available over at our blog