October newsletter

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Newsletter Oct 15

The top 5 reasons why people choose Cosmetic Dentistry

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A survey conducted back in 2011 by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry was conducted to find out some of the top reasons why people choose cosmetic dentistry services. Many cosmetic dentists across the US participated in the survey so we can catch a glimpse of why choosing cosmetic dentistry might be right for you, too!

The results below haven’t changed since 2011 and are the same for patients all around the world..

The main reasons why people choose cosmetic dentistry:

  1. To improve their health.Studies have proved that decayed and badly cared for teeth and gums can wreak havoc on your overall health. As example, there are strong correlations between periodontal disease and several types of serious health conditions (i.e. diabetes, stroke, heart attack, respiratory disease, premature birth, digestive disorders, and pancreatic cancer). To have healthy teeth and gums, and therefore improved overall health is a must so many patients visit their Dentist to seek a referral or help cosmetically in order to restore their smiles, healthy smiles are important to overall health.
  2. To raise their self-esteem.Having a beautiful healthy smile must make you feel amazing right? The survey certainly agrees, it say that a great majority of patients opt for cosmetic dentistry services to increase their self-esteem and self-confidence. A gorgeous smile with healthy perfect teeth goes a long way to restoring confidence..
  3. To improve their appearance. A smile filled with straight, white teeth can definitely be obtained by choosing the right type of cosmetic dentistry service/s. A beautiful healthy set of teeth can certainly improve appearance.
  4. To increase their professional success.Many people choose cosmetic dentistry to improve or increase their professional success. A great looking smile and improved confidence can be sure to increase self esteem, thereby giving you the confidence you need to land that job or get that promotion. It’s amazing what a great smile can do for your professional success.
  5. To improve their relationships.Many patients say how amazing it is that a great looking smile can improve your personal relationships. If your self-esteem and confidence are improved then this gives you that extra boost and can help you to feel comfortable at social gatherings or in personal situations. No longer do patients have to feel uptight and self-conscious about their unattractive smiles when taking pictures or talking with other people; cosmetic dentistry can improve relationships.

You may have your own reasons for seeking out cosmetic dentistry services above and beyond what is portrayed in this list– every patient is different.

If you are interested in learning more about the Dental Services our partners and ourselves offer, all you have to do is contact us on 01765 607347 or info@www.ambridgeceramics.co.uk. Is it time to finally obtain that dream smile you’ve been wanting all these years?

An evening with Dr. Craig Parker discussing the Future of Digital Dentistry

The evening was very aptly named The future of Digital Dentistry which covered "Tomorrows World Today in Dentistry'

The event was hosted by the BDA in the appropriate an equally futuristic venue, The Sky Lounge, 13th floor, Hilton Hotel, Leeds and delivered by the experienced and knowledgeable Dr. Craig Parker (BChD MFGDP(UK) DPDS PG cert)

Craig gave a visionary lecture on how he sees the future of Dentistry and the technological advancements, here and now, those just around the corner and what to expect in the medium term. He talked through the abilities of new technologies and game changers such as Intra-Oral cameras which are, even now replacing traditional impression taking methods, low dose 3D X-Ray or CBCT giving full insight into the hard and soft tissues. Looking at both 3D planning & 3D printing allowing both virtual and physical prototypes of proposed dental reconstructions.

He continued to give his valued opinions on the correlation of all these systems and how they will ensure more accurate and predictable dentistry, which in turn will improve the patients experience and create a 'better, faster and more cost efficient' outcome.

We at Ambridge Ceramics are already embracing the new advancements discussed and work closely with many of the technologies in Craig's lecture, it was great to hear his opinions on the affect these will have on Dentistry as a whole.

The evening was well hosted, in a great location, very informative and was well worth attending.

What does a Dental Ceramist do?

What is a Dental Ceramist

There are many departments within a Dental laboratory all are intrinsic to the perfect end result. One of the artistic and skilled job roles is a Dental Ceramist, which is the final part of the process of making a tooth or teeth. The Dental Ceramist is a highly skilled dental technician who uses state of the art dental materials made from scientifically engineered dental ceramics to restore any teeth that are damaged, discoloured or missing.

Why Haven’t I Heard Of This Type Of Dental Technician?

Due to the nature of their work, dental ceramists are based within a dental laboratory rather than a dental clinic. This is why many patients never meet or interact with this member of the dental team, even though the dental ceramist is key to creating the most natural, most desirable results in any laboratory custom made dental restoration.

 Why Ambridge Ceramics are different

To create your smile and restore your confidence, our ceramists knows that they must truly understand exactly what you want to achieve with your dental restoration. Before your treatment begins, they can meet with you and your dentist to discuss your personal needs and aspirations. Thereafter, they will continue to work with you throughout each stage of your restoration, attending key appointments to work side-by-side with your Dentist.

 Mark Ambridge senior Ceramist and owner of Ambridge Ceramics


For more information around how Ambridge Ceramics can help you achieve the perfect smile or how to work with us call 01765 607347 or email info@www.ambridgeceramics.co.uk

How to get the best smile with Smile Consultations

Smile Consultations

As Dental Technicians we are often asked what happens at a Smile Consultation and what the benefits are, so this short article should help explain.

As generally the work you would like to have done is more cosmetic i.e. you don’t need a filling, the first things you should do is choose a Dentist who is experienced and has proven skills in Cosmetic Dentistry. Cosmetic Dentistry is very specialist and it is important you choose one who you feel comfortable with and who listens to what you want. If you are not sure how you find one you could consider looking on www.bacd.com which is the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, there is a “find a cosmetic Dentist” section.

The first priority when you meet your Cosmetic Dentist should be to sit down and discuss all of your concerns, ideas, needs and desires and for the Dentist to make sure that they understand your expectations regarding the look of your smile.

Taking time to listen to all your questions is paramount to the end result meeting your expectations. Your Dentist should then explain everything to you giving you all your available options and confirming these options with pictures of the sort of outcome you can expect potentially using digital smile design (DSD). DSD can really help you to visualise your face, your mouth and lips with a new smile which has been mocked up digitally for you to view. If your dentist doesn't offer DSD they should at least have before and after pictures of patients they have worked with previously, this is a great way to see the real results and the Dentists quality of work.

Once you had time to consider the options and determined the right procedure for you, you should make a 2nd appointment with your Dentist. At this appointment your Dentist will generally take x-rays and photographs and again confirm they can perform your chosen procedure. During or after this appointment it is important that you meet your ceramist, the person who is making your new crowns, implants or veneers, if your dentist doesnt suggest this meeting, ask them to facilitate it as this is a very important step. Meeting your Ceramist will provide the best possible chance of the results you desire, as they are the skilled artists who mould, shape, colour and polish your teeth to match your desired smile.

The 3rd visit to your Dentist is generally for the procedure/s you have chosen and this is when the Dentist prepares your teeth for the procedure and in some cases completes the work.

Smile consultations are usually free and with no obligation but do check with your Dentist before booking an appointment, it’s the only way to find out the possibilities available to you for your perfect smile and it provides you with options and a much better idea of the potential results.

If you would like to understand more about what a Dental laboratory does like Ambridge Ceramics then please feel free to call us on 01765 607347 or if you would like us to make your teeth feel free to ask your Dentist.

Dental work, nothing to fear..

Many men and women in the UK live with dental problems such as cracked, yellow, worn, chipped or damaged teeth. Many report it negatively affects their life and demises their confidence, so why are people not doing something about it? Is it really about the cost? Or maybe fear, pain or change? If this sounds familiar to you, then you know that sometimes a perfect smile seems like a distant dream.

Dentistry has moved on in leaps and bounds in the past few years and most dentists have vast experience in delivering patient solutions to combat the challenges. Most Dentists offer payment plans to deal with financial issues, sedation to combat fear and pain and even work with other professionals such as NLP and hypnotherapy practitioners to overcome anxiety and fear.


A joined up approach to Dentistry for an improved patient experience

Mark Ambridge: Dental expert discusses ways in which Dental surgeons can get the best from the dental laboratory.

Getting the most from your laboratory & creating a great first impression!

Article agenda:

  1. Information overload
    2. Impression taking
    3. Diagnostics
    4. Try-in
    5. Feedback
    6. Work protocol

Information Overload.

Like most things in life you get out what you put in, if you take the time to give as much information as possible along with images then this is going to gain the best results for the patient. You can never give the technician enough information don't forget you have met, and know the patient, you can see the way they talk, smile and visually look and conduct themselves. The technician usually has not met the patient unless we have conducted a smile consultation either at our lab or at the Dentists practice.

Take time to understand the patients' expectations & what they really want to achieve and what the ideal scenario would “look like” to the patient. Patient consultation around why and what they want to achieve vs the right individual solution for them is critical in order to map and then set their expectation.

Consider sending pre-op and provisional images, full-face smiling, close ups with cheeks retracted, profiles, in fact as many images as you can from every angle.

Complete the lab card fully, i.e. age, sex and finer details of the patient is very important to the way we style the finished product.

Consider a meeting between the patient and your technician, if at all possible, it can make a real difference to the outcome, it also gives the patient a feeling of a joined up approach and an end to end solution. Patients often feel the importance of meeting their Technician and can have a tendency to be more open and honest to the person in the ‘back room’.

We can also look at combining other procedures such as teeth bleaching, implants and additional veneers, crowns etc. procedures that will improve the overall restorative results. (more…)

Mark Ambridge featured in Dental Lab Journal

Mark Ambridge, Director of Ambridge Ceramics is one of the most highly respected and experienced Dental Technicians in the UK.

Mark is featured in this months Dental Lab Journal for his attendance, feedback and contribution to the lecture evening run by the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD). The lecture took place in February 2015 and was delivered by Dr Mark Willings and it was extremely well received by all who attended. The BACD study club is instrumental in bringing Dentists and Technicians together to cover relevant and interesting topics. The BACD promote a "joined up" approach between all parties involved, to ensure the best possible results for patients, something Ambridge Ceramics is extremely passionate about.

Mark Ambridge Dental Technician

To read the full article click on the link below:

Ambridge Ceramics Dental Lab Journal

For more information on working with Ambridge Ceramics contact us on 01765 607347 or email: info@www.ambridgeceramics.co.uk

What is Tooth Decay?

What is Tooth decay?

Tooth decay happens when the enamel and dentine of a tooth become softened by acid after you have eaten or drunk anything containing sugars. Over time, the acid makes a hole called a cavity in the tooth. ‘Tooth decay' is also known as ‘dental caries'.

What causes tooth decay?

Tooth decay is caused by plaque acids that build up and gradually dissolve away the out layer of the tooth called the enamel and then dissolve the second layer called the dentine, of the tooth. Decay damages your teeth and if left untreated may lead to the tooth needing to have a filling placed in it to stop food particles and sugar continuing to decay the tooth. In some instances the tooth may ever have to be removed completely.

What is enamel?

Enamel is the hard, protective outer coating of the tooth and is the hardest part of the body. It does not contain any nerves or blood vessels and is not sensitive to pain.

What is dentine?

Dentine lies under the enamel, forming most of the tooth, and it can be very sensitive to pain. Dentine covers and protects the central ‘pulp' of the tooth.

What is the pulp?

The pulp is a soft tissue which contains blood vessels and nerves and is in the middle of the tooth, this is very sensitive and can be damaged easily.

What is plaque?

Plaque is a thin, sticky film that keeps forming on your teeth constantly, we can remove plaque with brushing, hence why brushing twice a day for at least 2 minutes each time and flossing is crucial to remove plaque. Plaque contains many types of bacteria and can be very detrimental to teeth.

Why do my teeth decay?

Decay happens when sugars in food and drinks react with the bacteria in plaque, forming acids and as we know acids can erode. Every time you eat or drink anything containing sugars, these acids attack the teeth and start to soften, dissolve and break down the enamel. The attacks can last for an hour after eating or drinking, before the natural salts in your saliva cause the enamel to ‘remineralise' and harden again. It's not just sugars that are harmful: other types of carbohydrate foods and drinks react with plaque and form acids. (These are the ‘fermentable' carbohydrates: for example ‘hidden sugars' in processed food, natural sugars like those in fruit, and cooked starches.) You should always check the ingredients in the food you eat. Generally anything with ‘ose' such as; glucose, fructose and sucrose in the name is a sugar.

Having sugary snacks and drinks between meals can increase the risk of decay, because your teeth come under constant attack and do not have time to recover. It is therefore important not to keep having sugary snacks or sipping sugary drinks throughout the day.

What are the signs of Tooth decay?

In the early stages of tooth decay there are no symptoms, but your Dentist or Hygienist may be able to spot a damage leading to a cavity in its early stages when they examine or x-ray your teeth. This is why you should visit your dental team regularly, as small cavities are much easier to treat than advanced decay.

What happens if I have a cavity?

Once the cavity has reached the dentine your tooth will generally become sensitive, particularly when you have sweet foods and drinks, and acidic or cold/hot foods. However your tooth can become sensitive and feel uncomfortable without the influence of food or drink.

As the decay increases and starts to creep closer to the dental pulp you may suffer from toothache. If the toothache is brought on by hot or sweet foods this may last for only seconds. As the decay gets closer to the dental pulp the pain may last longer and longer, you may need to take painkillers to control the pain as it can be very severe (always seek the advice of your Doctor or Dentist). If you feel these symptoms you must visit your Dentist straight away as the tooth is actually dying, and you may even develop a dental abscess if it is not treated.

 What happens if I don't get it treated early?

Toothache is a sign that you should visit your Dentist straight away, as it is a warning that something is wrong, once your tooth is hurting there it definitely needs to be seen. If you don't do anything, this will usually make matters worse and you may lose a tooth that could otherwise have been saved and suffer unnecessary pain and discomfort.

What areas of my teeth are more likely to decay?

The biting surfaces of the teeth and the surfaces between the teeth and at the gum line are most likely to decay, because food and plaque can become stuck in these areas and can be hard to reach when brushing and flossing. But any part of the tooth can decay and be at risk.

What treatment will I need?

If the decay is not too serious, your Dentist will most likely remove all the decay and repair the tooth with a filling. Sometimes however, the nerve in the middle of the tooth can be damaged which is a more serious procedure. If the nerve is damaged the dentist will need to carry out root canal treatment by removing the nerve and then repairing the tooth with a filling or a crown. If the tooth is so badly decayed that it cannot be repaired, the dentist may have to take the tooth out.

Will I always need a filling?

No. In the very early stages of decay, your Dentist may apply a fluoride varnish onto the area. This can help stop more decay and help ‘remineralise' the tooth. However, it is important to follow the cleaning routine your dental team suggest, using a fluoride toothpaste to prevent decay starting again.

Is there anything I can do to protect my teeth against decay?

As each of the adult molars (back teeth) appears, and if the tooth is free from decay, a ‘pit and fissure sealant' can be applied to each tooth, this protects the tooth. The sealant is a plastic coating that fills all the little crevices in the tooth surface and acts as a sealant whilst also creating a flat surface that is easier to clean. Adults can also have this treatment if the teeth are free from decay. Your Dentist will discuss whether this is the right treatment for you. Children can also have fluoride varnishes painted onto their teeth twice a year which will help to reduce the chances of decay.

What can I do to prevent decay?

The best way to prevent tooth decay is by brushing your teeth thoroughly last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, with a fluoride toothpaste. Make sure that you brush the inner, outer and biting surfaces of your teeth. Using ‘interdental' brushes, or dental floss or tape, also helps to remove plaque and food from between your teeth and where they meet the gums. These are areas where plaque can build up as they are harder to reach so it’s important to “floss” as an ordinary toothbrush can't reach these areas.

Is there anything else I can do?

Visit your dental team regularly, as often as they recommend. Have sugary and acidic food and drinks less often or cut them out of your diet altogether. Avoid having snacks between meals, to limit the number of times your teeth are under attack from acids, remember it’s the sugar from food and drink which reacts in your mouth to form acid.

Chewing sugar-free gum for up to twenty minutes after a meal can help your mouth produce more saliva, which helps to cancel out any acids that have formed.

How can my Dentist and hygienist help me prevent decay?

Your dental team will show you what areas you need to take most care of when cleaning. They will also show you how to brush correctly and clean in between your teeth with ‘interdental' brushes or floss.

If you wish to know any more about tooth decay, protecting your teeth or the treatments available to you, please contact us on info@www.ambridgeceramics.co.uk we work alongside Dentists around the UK and can also put you in touch with a Dentist to suit you.