Atlantis Abutment discussion

'Mark Ambridge April 8th, 2009' said
in agreement with both Michael Affleck and Mike Heads
, whenever possible we always recommend a custom abutment for this reason in particular, deep submucosal interfaces are a chalenge when shaping a stock abutment, often the predetermined margin is too ‘low'. lately we are making more ‘Atlantis' CAD abutments which are designed within the confines of a ‘virtual' finished crown to give perfect marginal position coupled with ideal emergence profile, all helps with cement management.

Mark Ambridge is guest speaker on Marketing Pirates of Dentistry Webinar

Coming soon the article to click and hear:
until then here's what was said !

Marketing Pirates of Dentistry Webinar & Guest Speaking

Weds 21st @13:00


1.     Information overload

2.     Impression taking

3.     Diagnostics

4.     Try-in

5.     Feedback

6.     Work protocol


1.      ‘Information overload'

You can never give the technician enough information about the patient, don't forget you have met and know the patient, we usually haven't !

Images: consider sending pre-op and provisionalised images, full face smiling, close ups with cheeks retracted, profiles etc.

Fill in the lab card fully, i.e. age and sex of patient is very important to style of finished work.

Patients' expectations, dreams, what they really want to achieve.

Meeting the patient if possible is also invaluable for the outcome, it also gives the patient a feeling of importance and they tend to talk more openly to the ‘man in the back room' !

we can also ‘sell' them other procedures like teeth bleaching, implants and additional veneers...etc.


2.      Take good impressions:  Obvious you might think, but do you:

1, Use non-perforated, metal or rigid plastic trays or custom made special trays (perforated trays are for alginate only)

2, Make sure trays are the correct arch size

3, Always use tray adhesive (prevents distortion)

4, Use a stable silicone impression material (no shrinkage), NOT alginate unless cast straight away (within 10 mins)

5, If mixing putty by hand wear polythene, NOT latex gloves (latex can affect setting)

6, Use a stopwatch or timer to allow the material to set properly (see instruction manual for exact times)

7, Use same impression material for both impressions. There's no point providing a fantastic impression for the working model and then to produce something of inferior accuracy for the opposing model.

8, Make sure they are cleaned and disinfected (by HSE law)

9, Make sure it's packaged properly ready for transportation (loosely packed in a gripseal lab bag inside a box) damp tissue if alginate.

10, Make sure you send it to... Ambridge Ceramics


3.      Diagnostics,

Creating bridges especially anteriors can be virtually impossible to ‘get right' when we don't know where the teeth should be. Consider starting those ‘missing teeth' cases with a diagnostic wax-up, from that with a simple stent or alginate you can make good looking provisionals which in turn can be assessed by the patient and  you, when happy with the shape and position a simple alginate impression can be taken and sent with the work to give the technician a Patient Approved Provisional (PAP) model which they can matrix and copy for correct tooth position.

This technique is widely used in implantology where often the bone and soft tissue loss means the final teeth would be ‘floating' in space without the addition of extra bone in surgery or ‘pink' gum on the restoration.





4.      Try-in

Again when doing a medium to large anterior case or difficult occlusion case or even that difficult to match central consider a ‘Bisque' try-in, (bisque is the pre glazed state of ceramic) so being rough this will enable you to adjust the ceramic easily or mark it where it needs adding or reducing.


5.      Feedback

Just as important but often forgotten about, the lab technician will often put his or her all into designing and making a case look, what they consider to be correct. As we discussed before they may never have met, seen or ever will meet or see the patient, you will make their day by letting them know on a regular basis the end result of a case however complex and whatever the result, good bad or mediocre ! the good will help to keep up morale the bad will help to teach and improve the way the technician works and eventually there won't be so many mediocre and bad results, they will all be great !


6.      Lab work protocol

Check your work returns schedule daily, have a returns diary.

It's no good phoning the lab 1 hr before the appointment asking where the lab work is only to find the lab card return date doesn't match the appointment.

Have a specific place for in and out work and have two people responsible for logging it in and out.

Mark Ambridge completes Grizedale Mountain Bike Challenge in Aid of Marie Curie Trust

Now in its 4th year and with over 600 entries from all over the country it was always going to be a tough event. The course consisted of two 16.5 mile laps of Grizedale forest, some 'fire road' and some single track, as this was my first event I didn't quite know what to expect.

What I got was a wonderfull warm sunny day, near exhaustion, a sore bum and cramp like I've never experienced !
The first lap went well, completed in two hours, but, at about halfway around the second lap I think due to very steep uphill sections where all riders had to walk and push, severe leg cramp started to set in meaning constant stopping, resting, massaging painfull quads, hamstrings and calves. This added over an hour extra to the first lap time and I eventually finished the whole race in 5hrs 17mins !

A target to beat next year.

Upcoming Events

Ambridge Ceramics will be supporting AstraTech with a series of 3 evening talks about Atlantis Abutments. One in Glasgow one in London and one in Manchester, dates to be confirmed. We are also delighted to be supporting Tony Gedge, both on his newsletter, with a series of 6 articles and on his 'Treasure Map' Tour in London January 2010 where we will be exhibiting as the prefered Laboratory.

Mark Ambridge is speaking at the ADI Members Forum in November 2009

A presentation entitled 'Why use CAD/CAM technology ?' designed and put together by Steve has been accepted by the board of the Association Of Dental Implantologists, so it's now down to Mark to present it.

Astra Atlantis Busiest Customer

I think that the figures speak for themselves, this system is proving so popular we are extremely busy with it.

Major Recognition Yet Again

This is now the third consecutive year we have achieved this accolade, it reads:
"in recognition of your dedication and contribution to the field of implant dentistry and bringing naturally beautiful, confident smiles to patients"
Thank you Biomet 3i !

Smart Abutments

We are very excited to be able to offer this new cost effective system of Titanium and Zirconia custom abutments.

Greater protection for dental patients

In order to improve patient protection recent changes in UK law mean that to legally practice in the UK all Dental Care Professionals must hold an approved qualification and be registered with the General Dental Council (GDC).

This commitment seeks to ensure a high standard of ethical cheap nfl jerseys and professional behaviour, including keeping personal knowledge and skills up to date.

Welcoming this policy to better police our industry, all the core lab team at Ambridge Ceramics are DCP registered – offering you the very best service at all times.

For further information visit