We're presenting at The Dentistry Show!


We're delighted to announce that we have been asked to speak at The Dentistry show at 3pm in the Technicians programme.

There's a fantastic line up of speakers on both days and it's an honour for us to join the other well respected technicians in presenting ideas and innovations that are transforming dental technology in the UK

Come along and see why CAD/CAM restorations are making it possible to offer our patients more for less.

In the dental laboratory today, we have many more restorative options than have previously been available, but many surgeons and technicians are still not aware of how readily available or accessible this technology is. We will look at the clinical benefits of moving over to CAD/CAM produced restorations and will also highlight some of the many systems and techniques available.

We will also show how these can be adopted immediately without incurring any financial burden and minimal disruption to your daily practice.

To see some of these advances that our surgeons already benefit from call 01765 607347 or email info@www.ambridgeceramics.co.uk

Christmas Closing

Laboratory Closure during Christmas period 2010

The lab will be closed from Monday 27th December 2010

and will re-opened on  Tuesday 4th January 2011

Collection & delivery

The last collection will be Thursday 23rd December 2010

The first delivery after will be Tuesday 4th January 2011

Work required for fitting before Christmas

All work which need fitting before Christmas must be recieved by the laboratory on the 9th December

Any work received after the 9th December will need an additional 6 days to the usual 2 weeks required in the lab to allow for the closure period

For example a job received in the lab on the 13th December 2009 would be returned for fit on the 5th January 2011


We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


From all the team at Ambridge Ceramics

Lee brings home Procera golf trophy for the team at the lab!


Lee attended the Nobel Procera golf day at the Belfry on Friday and came a very close 2nd!


After an excellent morning golfing on one of the Englands best golf courses it was onto an afternoon of lectures by some of the UK and Irelands finest dental professionals.

First up to speak was John McEvoy of Euro Cast Dublin.

John was a very entertaining and engaging speaker who covered interesting information on how the new Procera scanner worked.

John went on to explain some of the finer points which make this system so accurate and user friendly including the improved user interface and some great tips on how to get the best results from the new scanner and software.

It was interesting to learn that the Procera scanner will soon be able to design Emax restorations ready for milling from the lithiul dislicate blocks provided by Ivoclar Vivadent. It will be good to see how this works as we already use this technique with our Sirona in house scanning and MCXL milling unit which with the new software update provides great design and fit. We'll have to have one milled from each so we can compare the quality of fit and design.

The Second Speaker of the Day was Stephen Green from Stephen Green Dental Studios.

Stephen Green was a charasmatic presenter also gave a very engaging presentation on the benefits of the Procera scanning system and the support network offered by Nobel Biocares fantastic team of representatives.

Both of these technical talks offered a great deal of information on the Procera system and were well worth attending.

The Final Speaker of the day was Dr Tambra

Dr Tambra is a very well known and respected implant surgeon who also has a great depth of knowledge on prosthodontics.

Dr Tambra gave a very interesting and informative talk on the benefits of using Biomet 3i's CamStructsure milled titanium bars and also Biomet 3i's Encode custom milled abutment system.

We are very familiar with the Structsure system being one of the largest producers of these in the UK last year. The Encode system was also interesting, although currently limited to Biomet 3i implant placers.

All in a very interesting day.

Not only is Lee an exceptionally talented implant technician, he's also a bit handy with the old golf clubs!

So the big question is, can you challenge Lee and beat him on the course next time?

Contact your local Nobel Procera rep for details on their system and dates for their next golf day.


Lee May have got second on the course but he's a 1st class implant technician!


Biomet 3i Platinum Laboratory

We're proud to announce that we have maintained our status as a Biomet 3i Platinum laboratory.

We were one of the very first UK laboratories to adopt this new technique of CAD/CAM implant bar construction as we have long believed in the unique benefits of adopting digital dentistry to provide superior results and competitive pricing to our surgical partners.

In 2007 we were awarded the platinum status for providing superior implant bar and beam solutions made utilizing Biomet 3i's unique system and have maintained this status ever since, in fact we are now the UK's leading single provider of Biomet 3i bars and beams.

We're proud of this achievement but more so of the benefits it has brought to our clients. We will continue to invest in the latest technology to ensure that we always deliver the very best restorations available along with the best service in our profession.

For more information on Biomet CamStructSURE please visit our dedicated page here

Ambridge Ceramics, the home of digital dentistry.

Sirona Digital Impression Centre

As part of our ongoing commitment to provide our surgeons with the best possible service and quality we have recently upgraded our systems to become a Sirona Digital Impression Centre.

This means that any of our surgeons who have the Cerec system can now take advantage of the ability to scan their cases and send them directly to the lab without the need for impresssions!

For more information visit our dedictaed CEREC Connect page or give Mark or Steve a call at the lab and we'll be happy to discuss this new system with you.


For more information on CEREC Connet visit our dedicated CEREC Connect page

Ambridge Ceramics, the home of digital dentistry.

Astra Atlantis Live! Update


Astra Atlantis Live! UK 2010

We are proud to be supporting Astra Tech on their Atlantis Live! evening events. Mark & Steve will be presenting on the Astra Atlantis roadshow alongside Dr Tim Doswell & Dr Adam Glassford, two of the UK's most experienced users of the Atlantis abutments system who will be on hand to explain the clinical benefits of these fantastic abutments. These evenings also provide 1.5 hours CPD.

We've now got the list of confirmed dates and venues for the Astra Atlantis live CAD/CAM custom abutment roadshow.

Altantis abutments from Astra Tech are the ultimate in CAD/CAM cement restorations (and sometimes even screw retained, but more of that on the night) for the most popular implant platforms currently available.

On these evenings you will discover,

How to deliver the most biocompatible abutments for all major implant systems, in a range of options including Ziorconia, Gold coloured & Titanium for the best aesthetic results.
How to maximise your retentive surface for your cement retained restorations using Astra Atlantis.

How much your standard abutments really cost you, including stock abutments which are traditionally seen as a cheaper option but can ofetn cost you much more than a CAD Atlantis custom abutment.

How to save even more money by reducing the cost of expensive alloy used to restore cement retained restorations.

How to have abutments delivered which are easier to clear excess cement at fit using Atlantis unique VADTM (Virtual Abutment Design) used by Astra Tech to design the abutments.

The unique benefits of Astra Atlantis Gemini abutments which save you surgery time, reduce the patients discomfort of extra impressions & help to develop the soft tissue for maximum aesthetics.

When & Where?

BRISTOL 30th Septmber, City Centre Marriott Hotel,2 Lower Castle Street. BS1 3AD

BIRMINGHAM 14th October, Marriott Hotel, 12 Hagley, Road. B16 8SJ

GLASGOW 28th October, Marriott Hotel, 500 Argyle, Street. G3 8RR

LEEDS 11th November, The Met Hotel, Principal, Hayley. LS1 2HQ

17th November, Marriot Renaissance hotel, Blackfriars St, M3 2EQ

WEBINAR 18th November, Online, log in from the comfort of home.

The link below is for the official Astra flyer which contains full details of the evening and speakers.
Atlantis Live 2010.pdf

For more information please feel free to email Lydia McCalla

or phone 01453793267

It's free to attend, you get 1.5 hours CPD and they'll even feed you!

Ambridge Ceramics is now the largest single provider of Atlantis abutments in the UK and we're extremely excited about the giant leap forward that Astra Atlantis offers the labs and surgeons when restoring implants. We can't wait to share this information with you

For more information on Astra Atlantis abutments please feel free to visit our dedicated Atlantis abutment specialist page

Ambridge Ceramics, the home of digital dentistry

FGDP Study Day 1st October 2010

Many of you are already aware that Mark Ambridge sits on the board of the FGDP(UK) as a technician adviser. We are always keen to promote shared education events and this promises to be a good one. We hope that many of you will be able to take advantage of this opportunity to meet up and share ideas between GDPs and Technicians.


Professor Trevor Burke and Ian Taylor

Dentists, come and listen to someone who is undertaking the most relevant practice-based research. Prof Trevor Burke presents very helpful practical hints and tips as reviewed by his PREP (Product Research and Evaluation by Practitioners) panel - real dentists in practice. The day will be packed full of recommendations on materials, instruments and techniques to make your working life easier.

Dental technicians, come and find out how the mouse and digital scanner is taking over from the Ash 5 and build up brush! The future for impressionless dentistry.


£150 Dentist FGDP(UK) Members
£200 Non-FGDP(UK) Members
£75 DCP Affiliate Members
£100 Non-Member DCPs
£75 VDPs
£65 Technicians

If you are interested in attending, please contact Janet Ebourne on 07789 634 511 or email:enq@fgdpyorkshire.org.uk.


Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford



CPD hours:


Contact name:

Janet Ebourne

Contact telephone:

07789 634 511

Contact email address:


Here's a link to the Flyer for the day which contains more information on the speakers and timetable.

FGDP Study Day 2010.pdf

We're experts! Well at least on Dentinal Tubules we are.

Mark has been approached to write articles for Dentinal Tubules.

For those of you not already familiar with dentinal Tubules it's a fantastic site for the whole dental team which has great forums where people can share ideas, opinions & information. Dentinal Tubules is one of the most active dental communities currently on the web and we're extremely proud to be associated with them.

Mark will be working alongside others in this field and writing articles under the title 'Views from the lab' in which they hope to share their top tips in getting the very best results from your restorative work and discussing some of the trickier aspects of restorative dentistry from a laboratory point of view.

After submitting their articles for review they were asked to be Laboratory experts for the site, a role they are very happy to take up.


Why not find out more about what Ambridge Ceramics offer call 01765 607347

Astra Atlantis Live!

Mark and Steve will be speaking on the Astra Atlantis Live tour again this year along with Dr. Tim Doswell and Dr. Adam Glassford  who are two of the most respected implant surgeons in Yorkshire.

During these events you'll learn why Astra Atlantis abutments offer you the very best CAD/CAM solution currently available.

We'll cover the clinical and financial benefits of using the Astra Atlantis system with plenty of case presentations to show you the fantastic real life results that Adam and Tim are achieving every day in their practice.

We'll keep you up to date with the latest information as it becomes available.