| 01765 607347

Atlantis Abutment discussion

Monday, 9 November 2009

'Mark Ambridge April 8th, 2009' said
in agreement with both Michael Affleck and Mike Heads
, whenever possible we always recommend a custom abutment for this reason in particular, deep submucosal interfaces are a chalenge when shaping a stock abutment, often the predetermined margin is too ‘low'. lately we are making more ‘Atlantis' CAD abutments which are designed within the confines of a ‘virtual' finished crown to give perfect marginal position coupled with ideal emergence profile, all helps with cement management.

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Ambridge Ceramics is well-known, multi-award winning and highly regarded leading cosmetic and implant dental laboratory based in the UK. Our dental team is carefully assembled from technicians who have the finest skills and experience from within the industry, providing the best quality for successful dentist and patient outcomes. Our dental technicians are renown for delivering restorations crafted with a combination of scientific expertise and artistic care.
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North Yorkshire

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