At Ambridge Ceramics we strive to improve our service to you by advancing the way we do things. We were delighted to be the first and the only UK authorised manufacturer of surgical guides with Blue Sky Bio. We have invested in this digital process to provide dentists and patients with a simpler, faster, and more economical dental process to encourage improved patient experience.
Our new 3D printing capability completes the process to provide dentists with an end-to-end solution that can be adopted under one workflow. By simply engaging Ambridge Ceramics we can assist with the whole process. We are able to work with all digital options available in the UK such as 3shape Trios, Carestream, iTero, Cerec Connect and many more.
We offer CAD/CAM custom abutments uniquely called the ‘Smart Design’ abutment. Along with the Dentsply - Atlantis titanium bases and abutments, these premium implant solutions will deliver a superior aesthetic result while also offering excellent cost efficiency. Incorporating 3shape, Nobel Biocare, Sirona InLAB CAD/CAM capabilities, Biomet 3i and Astra Atlantis, our rolling programme of investment ensures we identify and employ only the very best equipment, including using Mantis Stereo magnifiers for all stages of lab work.